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Dental Park:
Dental Office in McAllen, TX




Comprehensive Family Dentist in McAllen

Have you been looking for quality dental care? Your search is over now that you’ve found Dental Park in McAllen, TX! We’re well-known in the community for exceptional services and a compassionate, comfortable atmosphere. Most of us don’t enjoy going to the dentist, but our friendly staff and educated dentists make the trip much less daunting. We do everything we can to make sure you feel calm in the dentist’s chair. Be sure to check out the range of services our experienced dentists offer and make your appointment today.





Explore Our Suite of Dental Services

At Dental Park, we’re dedicated to providing a range of services for our valued patients. We want you to see us as your one and only stop for dental care. We’re here for you when you need a regularly-scheduled cleaning, as well as unpredictable dental emergencies. Here’s a brief overview of the services we offer:


Dental Cleanings

Our dentists and hygienists are committed to thorough cleanings and comprehensive dental exams. This service ensures your continued oral health and allows us to catch more severe conditions early on.

Dental Fillings

No one likes a cavity, so it's best to get it filled as soon as possible. Our dentists are happy to educate you on your options.

Tooth Extractions

Sometimes, there's no viable alternative to tooth extraction. Rest assured, our team will take every measure to make sure you're comfortable during this procedure

Dental Crowns & Bridges

Restore your smile with dental crowns and bridges! These treatments are excellent ways to improve or maintain your beautiful smile.

Partials & Dentures

If you're missing multiple teeth, be sure to consider partial or complete dentures. No longer will your missing teeth impact how you eat and speak! We can help you understand the best ways to care for your dentures.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Love your smile again with one of our cosmetic dentistry options. After teeth whitening or a veneers procedure, you'll enjoy the bright, white smile you've always wanted.

Oral Sedation Dentistry

We understand some of our patients feel acute anxiety about visiting the dentist. Park Dental is proud to offer oral sedation for those patients.

Emergency Dental Care

Emergencies are often inevitable. That's why we're proud to provide prompt, quality emergency dental care. Don't wait for the problem to worsen—contact us right away!

Children's Dentistry

Early intervention is the best way to ensure your child develops a life-long appreciation for dental care. At Dental Park, we are dedicated to treating children of all age groups.



We Work with Most Insurance Providers!

Worried about the cost of dental care? We know dental cleaning services, tooth extraction, and cosmetic dentistry can take a toll on your bank account. That’s why we strive to offer affordable options for all our patients. Working with a variety of dental insurance companies is one of the ways we make our services accessible. Our team is happy to accept Medicaid, Medicare, and most major dental plans. We’ll file claims on your behalf and help you get the most out of your dental benefits.




Dr. Park and Dr. Jo of Dental Park in McAllen, TX

Meet Our Friendly Dentists

Our team is made up of some of the best dentists in the region. Along with our two knowledgeable dentists, our team consists of trained dental hygienists, office managers, and much more. Learn a little more about each of our dentists below:

  • Young Jo, DDS: Dr. Jo strives to stay on the cutting edge of dental technology. She’s always learning new techniques and keeping up to date on advancements. Dr. Jo is also focused on creating a comfortable atmosphere in her office.
  • Chan Park, DDS: Dr. Chan concentrated his studies on periodontics and conscious sedation. He remains committed to high-quality care and making a difference in patient’s lives. Dr. Chan continues to attend seminars to broaden his expertise.


See What Our Patients Are Saying




Ready to Make Your Appointment?

If it’s time to take care of your oral health, Dental Park is here for you. We’re accepting new patients, and we’d love to see you at our McAllen, TX office. Whether you’re looking for a short dental cleaning appointment or researching your cosmetic dentistry options, we have everything you need. Our knowledgeable staff is here to help you make an educated decision when it comes to your oral health and appearance. No matter your circumstances, reach out to our compassionate staff to schedule a dental appointment in McAllen today.


Fill Out Your Patient Forms Before Your Visit

Streamline your visit by filling out your patient intake forms before your first visit. Our forms are quick and easy, and you’ll just need to fill out some patient information and photo authorization. These documents are available in both English and Spanish.